
Amateur Radio Products

Icom is a world leader in the amateur radio market. Also known as ham radio, Icom makes amateur radios for use in long-range (HF) and short-range (VHF, UHF) communications. Digital technology is transforming the market, and Icom helped pioneer the development of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) equipment. Icom is also a leader in product development for the D-STAR digital mode, a global open protocol that is on the cutting edge in Amateur Radio today. For the love of ham radio.


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IC-9700 Review with AmateurLogic
George and Tommy, from AmateurLogic review the IC-9700 with Ray Novak, N9JA.
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Amateur Product Catalog
Check out Icom's 2023 Amateur product catalog. Featuring everything from the IC-V3500 to the IC-905, Icom has you covered. 
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Icom Unveils the Groundbreaking IC-7760 
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